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Data type literals can be combined using operators, but these operators only function with values of the same data type. For example, attempting to add a Text value to a Num value will result in an error, as this is an unsupported operation. To combine different types of values into a single text, consider using string interpolation instead.

Addition Operator +

Addition can be performed on number, text and array. This operator applied on different data types yields different results:

  • Num - Arithmetic sum
  • Text - String concatenation
  • [] - Array join
12 + 42 // 54
"Hello " + "World!" // "Hello World!"
[1, 2] + [3, 4] // [1, 2, 3, 4]

Arithmetic Operations

Arithmetic operations can only be used on Num data type. Here is the list of all available ones:

  • + Arithmetic sum
  • - Substraction
  • * Multiplication
  • / Division
  • % Modulo operation
((12 + 34) * 9) % 4

There is also an unary operator that negates the value stored in variable.

let value = 12
echo -value // Outputs: -12

Comparison Operations

The equality == and inequality != operations can be applied to any data type as long as both sides have the same type.

"foo" != "bar"
42 == 42
true != false
"equal" == "equal"

The remaining comparison operations can only be used on the Num data type. These are basically the same as in other modern programming languages: >, <, >=, <=.

42 != 24

Logical Operations

Logical operations can only be used on Bool data type. As opposed to C-like family of programming languages we've chosen to go for more Pythonic approach with literal names instead of symbols, as it suits the nature of the scripting programming language better: and, or, not.

18 >= 12 and not false

Shorthand Operator

The addition operator, along with any arithmetic operator combined with the = symbol, can be used to automatically update the value of an existing variable with the calculated result.

let age = 18
age += 5
echo age // Outputs: 23

Text Interpolation

Text interpolation is a form of embedding various values into the text literal that are combined with their textual representations.

echo "State: {false}" // Outputs: "State: 0"
// It's possible to also nest interpolation
echo "1 {" 2 {"3"} 4"} 5" // Outputs: "1 2 3 4 5"

In the following table we can see how the interpolation behaves for various data types:

Type Description Before After
Text Identity "{"Text"}" "Text"
Num Identity "{12.34}" "12.34"
Bool 1 or 0 "{true}" "1"
[] Spaces between values "{[1, 2, 3]}" "1 2 3"
let name = "John"
let age = 18
echo "Hi, I'm {name}. I'm {age} years old."
// Outputs: Hi, I'm John. I'm 18 years old