
Amber supports two types of loop:

  • Infinite loop that can only be broken with a break keyword
  • Iterator loop that iterates over an array

In the context of loops, you can use the break and continue keywords to help you control the flow.

Infinite loop

Whatever you put into the infinite loop it will be executed infinitely until you break the loop.

let i = 0
let sum = 0
loop {
    if i == 5:
    i += 1
    sum += i
echo sum
// Outputs: 15

Iterator loop

It's the most encouraged way to iterate over an array. The example in the previous chapter can be rewritten to a more concise version:

let sum = 0
loop i in 0..5 {
    sum += i
echo sum
// Outputs: 10

Here is another example showing iterator loop in action:

let files = ["config.json", "file.txt", "audio.mp3"]

loop index, file in files {
    $mv {file} {index}{file}$ failed {
        echo "Failed to rename {file}"

The above example will iterate through all the files in the array and index them according to their order in the array. As a result, these files will be renamed to 0config.json, 1file.txt, and 2audio.mp3.