
pub fun capitalize(text: Text): Text

Capitalize the first letter of the given text.


pub fun char_at(text: Text, index: Num): Text

Returns the character from text at the specified index (0-based).
If index is negative, the substring starts from the end of text based on the absolute value of index.


pub fun chars(text: Text): [Text]

Splits a text into an array of individual characters.


pub fun contains(text: Text, phrase: Text): Bool

Checks if some text contains a value/


pub fun ends_with(text: Text, suffix: Text): Bool

Checks if text ends with a value.


pub fun join(list: [Text], delimiter: Text): Text

Merges text using the delimeter specified.


pub fun len(value): Num

Gets the length of provided text or array.


pub fun lines(text: Text): [Text]

Splits a text into an array of substrings based on newline characters.


pub fun lower(text: Text): Text

Makes the text input lowercase using tr.


pub fun lpad(text: Text, pad: Text, length: Num): Text

Pads text with the specified pad character on left until it reaches the desired length.


pub fun parse(text: Text): Num ?

Attempts to parse a given text into a number, returning the parsed number or zero if parsing fails.


pub fun replace(source, pattern, replacement)

Replaces all occurences of a pattern in the content with the provided replacement text.


pub fun replace_once(source, pattern, replacement)

Finds the first occurrence of a pettern in the content and replaces it with the provided replacement text.


pub fun replace_regex(source: Text, pattern: Text, replacement: Text, extended: Bool = false): Text

Replaces all occurences of a regex pattern in the content with the provided replacement text.

Function uses sed


pub fun reverse(text: Text): Text

Reverses text using rev.


pub fun rpad(text: Text, pad: Text, length: Num): Text

Pads text with the specified pad character on the right until it reaches the desired length.


pub fun slice(text: Text, index: Num, length: Num = 0): Text

Returns a substring from text starting at the given index (0-based).

If index is negative, the substring starts from the end of text based on the absolute value of index.
If length is provided, the substring will include length characters; otherwise, it slices to the end of text.
If length is negative, an empty string is returned.


pub fun split(text: Text, delimiter: Text): [Text]

Splits the input text into an array of substrings using the specified delimiter.


pub fun starts_with(text: Text, prefix: Text): Bool

Checks if text starts with a value.


pub fun trim(text: Text): Text

Trims the spaces from the text input.


pub fun trim_left(text: Text): Text

Trims the spaces at top of the text using sed.


pub fun trim_right(text: Text): Text

Trims the spaces at end of the text using sed.


pub fun upper(text: Text): Text

Makes the text input uppercase using tr.


pub fun words(text: Text): [Text]

Splits a text into an array of substrings based on space character.


pub fun zfill(text: Text, length: Num): Text

Pads text with zeros on the left until it reaches the desired length.