ShellCheck tester

This script is used within the project to automate the process of identifying any ShellCheck validation issues in our test cases after they are compiled to Bash scripts.

The script loops through all files in the Amber project's standard library test folder (src/tests/stdlib/), compiles each test to a Bash script, and then runs ShellCheck on the resulting script.
If ShellCheck detects any issues (i.e., returns a non-zero exit code), the script generates a .txt report detailing the problems found. This report is stored in a designated temporary directory (/tmp/amber-sc-tests).

import { split, contains } from "std/text"
import { file_write, file_append, dir_exist, file_exist, create_dir } from "std/fs"

let path = "/tmp/amber-sc-tests"

if (not dir_exist(path)) {

let report = "{path}/report.txt"
unsafe file_write(report, "Report for Shellcheck")
let output = ""

let stdtests = unsafe $/usr/bin/ls "src/tests/stdlib/"$
let stdlib = split(stdtests, "\n")

loop v in stdlib {
    if (not contains(v, ".txt") and file_exist("src/tests/stdlib/{v}")) {
        echo "Generating Bash script for test {v}"
        unsafe {
            unsafe $./target/debug/amber "src/tests/stdlib/{v}" "{path}/{v}.sh"$
            output = unsafe $shellcheck "{path}/{v}.sh"$

        if (status != 0) {
            echo "Shellcheck found something!"
            unsafe file_append(report, output)