Compiler structure

Compiler Information

Here you will find out how the compiler is structured, how the parser works and how to write new syntax modules. Let's begin!


Beforehand the code is transformed into an array of tokens that contain information about:

  • word - the token content
  • pos - the token location in the document (row, column)
  • start - the index in the code string where the token starts
struct Token {
    word: String,
    pos: (usize, usize),
    start: usize

Tokens are created with lexical rules that are contained in the src/ file.

Here is the example of how an array of Amber tokens can look like, where strings represent instances of Token:

[Token<"let">, Token<"is_alive">, Token<"=">, Token<"true">, ...]


Parser takes in Tokens and forms an Abstract Syntax Tree that represents the code written in Amber.

Syntax Module

What transforms tokens into the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) is a SyntaxModule. It can be a Text literal, echo builtin or Add operator. The SyntaxModule is a trait that implements:

  • parse method that parses the module and determines whether or not the corresponding token string represents this sytax module. If otherwise, then a Failure::Quiet is returned that means that this is not the correct module to parse the tokens. However if this is the correct module but an error is encountered, then Failure::Loud is returned with an error (or warning / info) is returned.
  • new method that instantiates a new SyntaxModule.
  • syntax_name!("<name of this module>") that identifies this syntax module with its name.

The most important method here is parse that is defined with the following signature:

fn parse(&mut self, meta: &mut M) where M: Metadata -> SyntaxResult;

Parsing returns a SyntaxResult that under the hood is represented as Result<(), Failure>. It means that parsing can be finished successfully or it can fail returning a Failure object.

Here is an example SyntaxModule that parses Bool literal:

impl SyntaxModule<ParserMetadata> for Bool {

    fn new() -> Self {
        Bool {
            value: false

    fn parse(&mut self, meta: &mut ParserMetadata) -> SyntaxResult {
        let value = token_by(meta, |value| ["true", "false"].contains(&value.as_str()))?;
        self.value = value == "true";


You can see that in the parse method mentioned above we pass some object called meta. This is a metadata parameter of type ParserMetadata that inherits from Metadata provided by Heraclitus. The structure instance is carried through the parsing process to keep a track of current state. It holds information such as declared variables, functions, boolean parameters telling if current context is within a loop or a function etc. ParserMetadata is represented as:

struct ParserMetadata {
    // Parsing contenxt
    pub context: Context
    // Error / Warning messages
    pub messages: Vec<Message>
    // ...

You can find out more about this structure in src/utils/metadata/ file.

Parsing flow

The journey starts with parsing the global Block that can be located in src/modules/ file. The Block parses a sequence of statements (Statement located in src/modules/statement/


Statement (Statement) is a structure that can represent any SyntaxModule that is of statement type. In other words Statement is a wrapper for syntax modules that represents a statement type such as loop, if condition, variable declaration etc.

struct Statement {
    value: Option<StatementType>

Here we can see that the value field accepts StatementType enum that is declared above and represents a syntax module.

enum StatementType {
    // ...

Statement is built of a macro handle_types! that can be located in src/modules/ The syntax modules provided to the macro are parsed sequentially in the order from top to bottom. This means that the parser will first try to match Import and then FunctionDeclaration. The expression (Expr located in src/modules/expression/ is passed as the final parameter to the handle_types! macro so that it's parsed at the very end.

handle_types!(StatementType, [
    // ...

This macro generates a couple of methods for the implementation of Stmt. This macro generates the following functions:

  • fn get_modules(&self) -> Vec<StatementType> - returns a vector of statements that can later be matched by parse_match
  • fn parse_match(&mut self, meta: &mut ParserMetadata, module: StatementType) -> SyntaxResult - parses and runs get method specified later in Statement to retrieve the SyntaxResult.
  • fn translate_match(&self, meta: &mut TranslateMetadata, module: &StatementType) -> String - calls translate method on each of the syntax modules to translate them into Bash code.
  • fn document_match(&self, meta: &ParserMetadata, module: &StatementType) -> String - calls document method on each of the syntax modules to retrieve a documentation string.'


Expression (Expr located in src/modules/expression/ represents a syntax that is a value of certain type (also referred to as kind because of the Rust's type keyword). For example 1 + 1 is an addition of type Num.

struct Expr {
    value: Option<ExprType>,
    kind: Type

Analogically to Statement, expression also is a wrapper for syntax modules that are of expression type. Instead of StatementType enum ExprType is declared.

enum ExprType {
    // ...

Since certain expressions require different approaches to parsing, there is a different macro used here to automate the process. There are a couple of different types of expressions:

  • TernOp - a ternary operator that is parsed from right to left. It's used for conditional ternary operator.
  • BinOp - a binary operator that is parsed from left to right.
  • UnOp - a unary operator that is parsed from left to right, where the symbol expression is on the left side.
  • TypeOp - a binary expression that is represented as expression followed by operator and then a type. Example of such operator is a cast operator: 12 as Bool.
  • Literal - a Literal that doesn't have any directional precedence. Literal is the final group of expression precedence.

The hierarchy of the groups is represented within the parse_expr! macro (defined in src/modules/expression/ It returns an Expr` that has been parsed. Here is an example usage of this macro:

let result = parse_expr!(meta, [
    ternary @ TernOp => [ Ternary ],
    range @ BinOp => [ Range ],
    addition @ BinOp => [ Add, Sub ],
    multiplication @ BinOp => [ Mul, Div, Modulo ],
    types @ TypeOp => [ Is, Cast ],
    unops @ UnOp => [ Neg, Not ],
    literals @ Literal => [ Bool, Number, Text ]

The pattern that the macro follows can be represented as <function_group_name> @ <group_type> => [<syntax_modules>]. The macro is declared as a recurrent relation of functions (groups) that are calling each other (inside of an internal macro parse_expr_group!).

let result = {
    fn _terminal(...) {
        panic!("Please end the recurrence in the group before");

    fn literal(...) {
        parse_expr_group!(... {literal, _terminal} ...);

    // ...

    fn range(...) {
        parse_expr_group!(... {range, addition} ...);

    fn ternary(...) {
        parse_expr_group!(... {ternary, range} ...);

    return ternary(...);

The main objective of parse_expr_group! is to implement given function's body with appropriate parsing mechanism. If it's a BinOp that parses from left to right, then first we parse left expression by calling the lower order group, then we parse the operator, and then the right expression. You can read more on how parsing groups works in the macros file.